Are you looking to have some fun and live out your naughtiest fantasies? It’s not always easy to find a partner or partners for no-strings attached sex. This is where Pure hookups comes in, opening up a community that doesn’t go in for subtleties. So does PureHookups really work for finding one night stands?
Presentation of the PureHookups website
Pure Hookups is a site clearly targeted at connecting people looking for raunchy or even positively dirty fun. From the outset, you can’t fail to pick up the sensual vibe the platform gives off. From photos to sexy videos, you can have fun just by browsing through different pages.
With no taboos, limits or judgment, everyone reveals what they want on the site and is free to enjoy whatever they are presented with online. But in terms of real life encounters, does it work or not?
Main features
At first glance, this site doesn’t offer any particularly innovative features. It provides members with a messaging service and live chat feature making communication easy. There is nothing really new about the profile pages either, with their standard selection of details and photos. However, the site does let users post photos in private mode so they can reveal them only to certain people.
The site also boasts two features that are not available on all dating sites, even the raunchiest: a live webcam and videos. For those looking for excitement — basically all members — these two sections are highly appealing. The live webcams are generally very sexy in nature and the videos are on the pornographic side. There’s nothing better for setting the mood for some no-holds barred discussions.
Subscription prices and plans
In common with nearly all sites of its kind, lets users sign up for free. However, to gain access to many of the platform’s features, upgrading to a premium gold account is essential. This allows you to:
●Send and receive emails;
●See and download unlimited photos;
●Appear in the top search results;
●Access the live cam;
●Use the live chat.
There are different premium gold options available:
Subscription Duration
Monthly Cost
3-day trial
2.97 USD
1-month plan
29.95 USD
29.95 USD
3-month plan
24.95 USD
74.85 USD
6-month plan
19.95 USD
119.70 USD
It is worth noting that the trial offer automatically leads to a monthly subscription, but at €39.95 a month. Payment is by bankcard online, but the bank statement will not mention the name of the website
Using the site
Signing up to Pure Hookups is fast and simple. You just have to enter your date of birth, a username, password and email address before choosing a profile header and writing a few words about yourself. You will then be asked for some standard information about your marital status, figure and ethnic origin. You can also provide a phone number to receive notifications by SMS. To use the geolocation services and find members nearby, you will be asked for a town, region and postcode.
Immediately after registering, you can select a paid membership subscription to start using all of the site’s features straight away. You can also select the button “No Thanks! - Remind me later” on the top right of the page, in which case you will be regularly redirected to a subscription page when using the site.
Pure Hookups offers a streamlined, easy-to-use interface. Features available to members are fairly standard: live chat, messaging, the possibility of adding other members to your favourites to find them again more easily. Nothing here is particularly innovative, but these are all tried and tested features with proven success. To complete your profile and increase your chances of meeting the perfect partners to fulfil your fantasies, you can add photos visible to everyone, but also private photos that you can then show to selected users. Retaining an air of mystery can be a good way to keep people wanting more. You can also add more information to provide additional details about your physique, character, habits and beliefs. You only have to fill in as much information as you want.
To stay in touch with your favourite members and have fun on the go, there is an optimized version of the site for tablets and smartphones, allowing you to access all of the features of from wherever you are.
Customer service and security
You can access a FAQ section at the bottom of the left-hand column, providing answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the information you are looking for in the FAQ section, you can contact customer services directly using the form available on the website or by email or phone everyday from 8.00am to 5.30pm.
To protect the privacy of its members, Pure Hookups is secured by SSL encryption. This means that all of your personal data as well as your payment details are secure. You are also in complete control of the information and photos that you publish on the site, allowing you to filter what you display.
Why sign up to
For those looking for sex and a bit of fun, Pure Hookups is without a doubt the ideal forum. With a community where nothing is taboo and a wide selection of videos available, you can’t help but enjoy yourself on this site. Live cams or steamy discussions with online members are good ways to bring your erotic fantasies to life. But if you are looking for threesomes or gay sex, this is probably not the site for you, as it is not possible to register as a couple or to search for a member of the same sex.
Our opinion on
The site Pure Hookups is enjoyable to use, thanks to both the design and the community. This is a site where anything goes so you can have a good time alone in front of your screen as well as with other members. Easy to use, it is effective from the get-go. However, it is a shame that some untimely redirects slow down the user experience without a premium gold account. In terms of value for money, it works out well as it includes both videos and meet-up potential.
Good points
●A well-designed and user-friendly site, with an unmissable raunchy vibe
●An effective geolocation system, connecting you up with people looking for sex in your area
●Video and live cam features to guarantee a good time online
Areas for improvement
●Not possible to really use the site without a paid subscription
●No couple, gay or transgender accounts possible
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Black Orange
Rue Ferdinand-Hodler 17
C/O E.Kiss-Borlase, Bureau Fiduciaire SA
Genf 1207
Das Unternehmen ist im Handelsregister von Genf registriert als Société Anonyme (Aktiengesellschaft), CHE-358.754.164, CH-660.0.535.017-5.
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